Wednesday, June 26 at 12:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Dennis and Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center (Forest Park Visitor’s Center)
5595 Grand Dr, St. Louis 63112
This River Soundings Conference will feature lectures and panel discussions from scientists, regulators, and environmental activists. The conference is focused on river policies around St. Louis, including flood control, river restoration, floodplain development, and much more. Featuring: A keynote address by Chad Pregracke of Living Lands and Waters, an organization dedicated to keeping the Mississippi River clean and healthy.
MC: Tim Convy, Comedian & Y98 Morning Show Co-HostAdditional presentations by: Earth Economics will be presenting their paper on the Melvin Price Lock and Dam Cost-Benefit Analysis. Presentations begin at 1:00pm. Keynote speech by Chad Pregracke at 6:00pm.
CLICK HERE for more information and registration or phone 314-918-1007.